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2nd Cycle Tutoring

In the 2nd Cycle Tutoring Program, Tutors are assigned at the request of the student themselves or by referral from a service and/or Course Coordination, or by another element of the academic community that identifies the student as being able to benefit from NDA support and, more specifically PT (as long as the student agrees to this referral26)

This type of tutoring differs from 1st Cycle Tutoring, as it does not have a pre-determined period of monitoring, which is defined by the tutor and the tutoree, varying depending on the issue that motivated the student. requiring tutorial follow-up.

The Tutor, a volunteer teacher, who participates in the 2nd Cycle Tutoring Program, will have a maximum of 5 students assigned, and will be able to do very individualized work with each one.

How can I have a Tutor?

In this type of tutoring, the request to assign a Tutor is the responsibility of the student, who must send an email to, formalizing their request.

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