Eligibility Conditions
Average entry for the first time in Higher Education is not less than 13 values; or who are enrolled in the courses mentioned above, having already completed all the curricular units of the previous years and whose average grade obtained is not less than 13 points;
Enrollment in a minimum of 30 ECTS per semester, except in cases where the student: Is enrolled in a lower number of ECTS because he is a final year student of the course; You cannot register for a minimum of 30 ECTS due to the regulations regarding registration in the thesis, dissertation, project or course internship;
Proof of financial difficulties due to being integrated into a household with a per capita income of less than 22 times the social support index in force at the beginning of the school year, plus the maximum tuition fee fixed annually for the respective cycle of studies in public higher education .
I do not benefit from any other Scholarship, other than those that exclusively support the annual amount of tuition fees.