What is the Tutoring Program?
The Tutoring Program is a program created by IST and its goal is to offer IST students an individualized, personalized, and institutional guidance of their academic path. In this manner, the Tutoring program aims at promoting higher education’s teaching quality and academic achievement in Bologna’s reforms context.
Who is your Tutor?
In the first 2 weeks of classes, students from 1st and 2nd year are given a Tutor who will guide them during their first two academic years.
What are the Tutor’s tasks?
The Tutor guides and supports students in their academic integration at IST, by getting to know their difficulties in the transition from high school to university, and by helping students better understand the Degree’s functioning and better planning their study and assessments.
How can I contact my Tutor?
The Tutor will contact the student (certify yourself that IST has your contacts information updated – telephone and e-mail) and during your first year you’ll have at least two meetings with your Tutor and other occasional meetings. For the latter, you just have to contact your tutor by e-mail or directly in his/her office, during the office hours that the Tutor indicates.
Do you think you don’t have to participate in the Tutoring program?
The participation in the Tutoring program is important for your integration in IST, since higher education is very different from high school. If you are able to quickly integrate and realize the differences between each education system, you have higher probabilities of achieving academic success. Many students who don’t participate in the program, who cut classes and who refuse to accept and ask for help, have difficulties in being successful and some students even abandon IST.
What benefits do you have in participating?
- You won’t feel like you’re a number (a frequent complaint from 1st year students);
- You’ll know that you can count on a Professor to guide and follow your path in IST;
- You’ll realize IST professors are available to collaborate with you in your academic path so that you can better live your years at university, and also to help you promote your personal development.
Still don’t know who your Tutor is?

Do you feel there are certain aspects of the Tutoring program that could be improved? You don’t know what to expect from your Tutor? Contact us and let us know what worries you (don’t forget to indicate in the e-mail your name, your tutor’s name, your student’s number and your degree).
Tutees’ responsibilities
- Actively participate in the program’s assessment activities;
- Ask for help in matters that involve your academic training;
- Participate in the program during, at least, 4 semesters;
- Attend to, at least, 80% of the meetings scheduled by your Tutor;
- Be on time for the meetings with your Tutor;
- Reply to your Tutor’s contacts;
- Validate and respect your Tutor and the Tutoring program.